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CBD: 0-5 mg/g
CBD Potency Bar: 1
Dosage: not set
Consumption Method: not set
Contains Minor: not set
Order Limit: not set
THC: 300-380 mg/g
THC Max Range: 38
THC Potency Bar: 2
TSC: not set
TSC Search Marker: not set
Usage Instructions: not set

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Feature 1/8

Mattego Hash Square
$34.00 2g


4g DCE
DCE, or “dried cannabis equivalency” refers to how many grams of dried cannabis this product format is equivalent to.
Product type: Concentrates
THC Max Range: 38

Mattego Hash Square


Mattego Hash Square is a 2-gram, pressed kief concentrate with 30% THC. Mattego, also known as MK Ultra, is typically a cross between OG Kush and indica G-13.

Open the package and enjoy the sweet, earth, and pine notes from the hash.

This concentrate can be consumed on its own with a pipe or bong (preferably with the use of a pipe screen, used to prevent clogging and resin buildup) or added to your rolled joint. It’s important to start with a small amount of hash (about the size of a grain of rice). Start with a single inhalation then wait at least 10 minutes to determine the effects before consuming more. 

Each package of Mattego Hash contains the equivalent of 4 g of dried cannabis.  


300-380 mg/g


0-5 mg/g
THC Dominant
$34.00 2g


4g DCE
DCE, or “dried cannabis equivalency” refers to how many grams of dried cannabis this product format is equivalent to.

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