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Product Metafields
CBD: 0-1.15 mg/ml
CBD Potency Bar: 1
Dosage: not set
Consumption Method: Ingestible
Contains Minor: true
Order Limit: not set
THC: 17-23 mg/ml
THC Max Range: 23
THC Potency Bar: 4
TSC: not set
TSC Search Marker: not set
Usage Instructions: Ingestion

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Feature 1/8

CBN 1:2 NightTime Formula
$43.00 30ml


5g DCE
DCE, or “dried cannabis equivalency” refers to how many grams of dried cannabis this product format is equivalent to.
Product type: Cannabis Oil
THC Max Range: 23

CBN 1:2 NightTime Formula


Introducing CBN 1:2 NightTime Formula by MediPharm Labs – a pharmaceutical-grade ingestible oil product with high CBN and high THC. Each bottle contains 10 mg of CBN and 20 mg of THC per mL for a total of 300 mg CBN and 600 mg THC in each 30 ml bottle.  

CBN 1:2 NightTime Formula is made in-house at MediPharm Labs under the strictest manufacturing standards, offering the highest quality and purity of precision-based cannabinoids. This premium oil product uses coconut/palm based MCT carrier oil carefully chosen for its sustainable practices from plantation through manufacturing.  

Founded in 2015, MediPharm Labs is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in the development and manufacture of trusted, purified cannabis concentrates with industry-leading practices that exceed regulatory requirements.  

This product is packaged with a pharmaceutical-grade amber glass bottle with a 0.3 ml syringe for consistent dosing.  

For best results, we recommend using the provided syringe to place the dose you want under your tongue and then waiting for 30 to 60 seconds for the oil to finish absorbing. This is the quickest, most efficient way to get the most out of your oil – with very minimal cannabis taste, if any. To further mask the taste of cannabis, you can also add oils to your favourite food, or wash it down with a beverage such as orange juice.  

Each package of CBN 1:2 NightTime Formula contains the equivalent of 5 grams of dried cannabis. To learn more about dried cannabis equivalencies, click here 

Unless otherwise instructed by your healthcare practitioner, Health Canada recommends that patients should “start low, go slow” meaning patients should begin with a low dose and wait up to 120 minutes to assess the effects before administering an additional dose.  


17-23 mg/ml


0-1.15 mg/ml
$43.00 30ml


5g DCE
DCE, or “dried cannabis equivalency” refers to how many grams of dried cannabis this product format is equivalent to.

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